Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Barbara Burket's Treasure Balls

Barbara Burket's beautiful OTT Treasure Balls.  How does she get all those tiny gifts INSIDE the ball?  
Unwind to find many buried treasures! Barbara has been creating treasure balls since she was little with her grandmother. A German tradition shared by many cultures, but created to keep the children busy while the adults prepared the Christmas feast. Available for boys, girls, and grown-ups too! Start a new Christmas tradition!!!
Barbara is not only an artist at the Bizarre Bazaar, she is also and intricate part of the Bizarre Bazaar Committee (BBC).  She is the chairperson of a committee of one (lol) handling all our tshirts and graphic design.  Barbara has been a member of the BBC since 2009 and started as the chairperson of the bake sale.  
You won't be able to miss Barbara's art at the Bizarre Bazaar,  as her Treasure Balls will surely pop out at you with color!